The Sobbing Skies
Raise downcast eyes to the sobbing skies,
To the swirling hues of grey.
An outstretched palm unfurls,
releasing rivers; wild, at play.
There are no bounds to the pounding sounds,
From the waterfalls of wrath.
To splash in puddles, nonchalant,
Along the winding path.
Concentric ripples from earthbound tipples
In muddy pools of pain,
Beaten by each hammered drop
Of pelting, sunken rain.
Haul sopping, dreary, wet and weary
Liquid-laden boots,
And sodden clothing, soaked to skin,
Through squelching water chutes.
Don’t be fooled by the dripping jewels,
That hang from every bough,
They’re sparkling diamond droppers,
For the precious here and now.

8th May 2019
It’s been a while since we’ve had some heavy rain. However, it’s pretty dramatic when you’re out walking in it! Luckily, I’ve missed most of it whilst on my travels, this past couple of days, but there have been many times when I’ve arrived home ultra squelchy!
dessertflower5 says:
A lovely blog
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much for your kind comment ?
dessertflower5 says:
My pleasure
Author G M Cleary says:
Very nice! and I love the picture of the narrow road with the high hedges…reminds me of the roads about Devil’s Bridge in Kirkby Lonsdale.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed for your kind words, Graham. I couldn’t quite believe that the storm blew over, yesterday, but another got me well & good today! The hedgerows & wildflowers in the lanes around the village are looking lovely now, & I love that view which also looks back on the village. Shame on me, Kirkby Lonsdale is not a part of the country I’ve visited, but I reckon it must be pretty awesome! ?
Sue W says:
That is a very dark sky. We’ve had a fair amount of rain this past week and the grass is growing fast and tall, great in the fields but too quick for the lawns. I do enjoy your poetry Debbie. 🙂
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much, Sue. ? I was sure I was going to get a soaking yesterday, after all the rain we’d had, but it blew over. Today was a different story, I got a proper soaking haha! The grass has sprung up so quickly, & now the lawns are too wet to cut! ? Still, everywhere looks so lush & green.
Sue W says:
Yes it does and it cheers me no end!
JOY journal says:
“Ultra squelchy” is much nicer than the expression in my region — “like a drowned rat.” 🙂
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! Well, I was definitely a drowned rat today, caught me well & good! I do use that expression too, but was being unusually polite! ?
Peter's pondering says:
It’s a bit like that where we are at the moment. Just arrived in the Nene Valley for a week. Off a B road, half a mile along a private track, and our only neighbours are the wildlife. Great. Saw a red kite as we arrived, and a pair of buzzards shortly afterwards. Who cares about a bit of rain!
Debbie Jones says:
How fabulous, Peter, hope you have lots more wonderful wildlife encounters while you’re there & enjoy the peace & quiet. I just love that about where we are, it’s the polar opposite to what we were used to before we moved here. Today, I got drenched on my walk, but it didn’t bother me in the slightest, the lambs were still springing about, the cows came over for a rub & the birds were busy & still singing. Hope you have a great time! ?
Peter's pondering says:
Thank you, it’s good to be back in the countryside.
... says:
Love the rain poem, we have plenty of rain here in New Zealand near Wellington.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed, Roger..Wales is known for its rain too haha! My auntie used to live in Wellington, many years ago. We do have relatives who live near Auckland, though. Whenever I see photos they post it always looks very beautiful. They emigrated quite a few years ago & have brought their families up there, and absolutely love it! I doubt they’d ever move back to the UK.
... says:
Having travelled a lot I can say that New Zealand is definitely very beautiful and generally a friendly place also.
Ghulam Mohyudin says:
It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.