The Shrouded Curtain
Apocalyptic, swirling mist,
Casting forth its blight,
Camouflaging daytime hours,
Threatening the night.
Consuming images, closing in,
Engulfing distant dreams,
Suffocating every view,
Sketching every scene.
Rising from the depths below;
Smouldering desires.
Naked flames; invisible,
From non-existent fires.
Obliterated prisoners,
Free to dance in peace,
Behind grey, shrouded curtain,
Joyful at release.
Glide away, discard those chains ,
Sweep silent empty stage,
The cast lies waiting in the wings,
In awe; to turn the page.

8th June 2019
After yesterday’s incessant rain, I’d almost given up on going for a walk. I don’t mind the rain in the slightest, but starting out with a good soaking seemed ridiculous.
However, around tea time, the rain stopped, blue skies & wondrous cloudscapes appeared. Time to make a run for it!
When I got about halfway round, I saw mist starting to rise & hover over the fields; shadowy, & fascinatingly eerie. The scenes were slowly disappearing, taking with them; sheep, horses, trees, rabbits, bushes, etc. Images became blurry, & then disappeared into oblivion. Who knows what adventures they got up to, behind the shrouded curtain?!
ivor20 says:
Your glorious photos are superbly captured in the words of your poem, and I loved the depth of finale stanza.
“Glide away, discard those chains ,
Sweep silent empty stage,
The cast lies waiting in the wings,
In awe; to turn the page.”
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you Ivor, you’re very kind. The mist was quite mesmerising, especially as it rose & thickened so quickly. It reminded me of my days of amateur theatre & a stage with a curtain of dry ice, that was used before some performances. From the wings of the stage, you could just make out the sketchy figures, trying to contain your excitement, or suppress your nerves, before the show began. It was quite exhilarating being out & watching it unfurling. ?
ivor20 says:
Your words conveyed the mystic superbly…
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you, Ivor ☺️
K Morris Poet says:
I enjoyed reading this, Debbie. Your reference to prisoners reminded me of Magwich in Great Expectations (the marshes and the mists etc). Here in London we had one or 2 heavy showers yesterday, however it remained mostly dry. Having said that, I managed to get caught in a heavy downpour with my guide dog Trigger! Best wishes – Kevin
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed, Kevin. Your observations are very interesting, re Magwitch. I hadn’t thought of Great Expectations, although mist & fog does make me think of all things gothic, for some reason. However, some of the imagery is partly linked to my days of performing in amateur theatre. The excited, and/or nervous cast waiting in the wings of the stage, as the, (sometimes used,) dry ice obscures the cast already on stage, in position, ready to start the show. In a way, they are prisoners that can’t leave the stage until their lines are sung/said, and the show is over. It’s great to hear how people perceive things differently.
I’m sorry to hear you & Trigger got a dowsing in a downpour yesterday. It’s like it waits for you to step out of the door sometimes! I think we’re all in for a miserable few days this next week, mind, the rain is sweeping the country, ugh! I hope you & Trigger don’t get too wet, Kevin..fingers crossed! ?
K Morris Poet says:
Ah, your explanation regarding actors waiting in the wings, who, like
prisoners are unable to escape makes perfect sense and is very
interesting, Debbie. Like, you, I also find that there is sometimes a
significant difference between how I meant one of my poems to be
understood, and how my readers interpret it. I have had poems which
(to my mind) express sadness interpreted as being happy, whilst those
meant to be construed as being happy have bee interpreted in the
opposite manner.
I can hear the rain outside as I am writing this so suspect that I am,
indeed in store for a soaking. I will, however take a rain coat with
I actually am rather glad its raining as last summer we didn’t have
enough of the wet stuff which was bad for the gardens and the farmers.
Very best wishes – Kevin
Debbie Jones says:
Many thanks for your reply, Kevin. Interpretation is, indeed, very strange & interesting. I must admit, sometimes I start off writing with one idea in mind, which can turn into another by the end, or incorporate things cryptically along the way..but I’m guessing we can all do that to a degree.
I used to find discussions about this at school, during English lessons, a little confusing at times. If it was text from way before even the teacher was born, I used to wonder how she knew what the true meaning was, so many years afterwards. Yes, she could describe the meaning of old English, but not what was in the head of the writer. I’m pretty sure the same would apply if any of our compositions are ever discussed by strangers, years from now…we’ll never know & it’ll all remain a mystery!
I spoke to one of our local farmers yesterday. He was surprised, after the downpours we’ve already had, that the river is still only just above drought level. Where he’d expect the field to be very muddy, by the gate where the cattle linger sometimes, it was just a bit stodgy, not swimming with mud. The water table must still be quite low.
I got soaked on my walk this afternoon, but the morning was lovely & it cleared up this evening..oh well.
I hope Trigger is still happy to go walkies & you don’t get too wet over the week, Kevin!
K Morris Poet says:
Thanks for your reply, Debbie. I also find that my virtual pen runs away with me from time to time. I begin with an idea in my head which quickly transforms into something other than that which I had intended when I began to write. You are, I feel sure correct in your view that it is often impossible to determine what a poet was conveying (or attempting to convey) without either asking the writer, or reading their interpretation of what they wrote. Many poets don’t explain their meaning and, even where they do, or give a hint, its also possible that they are not fully aware of how their pen has run away with them saying something other than they intended, or at least giving that impression. I hope the water table rises sufficiently for your farmer to be content. Best wishes – Kevin
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you, Kevin, I was sure I wasn’t the only one who switched meanings or went off at a tangent.
The water table has risen a bit higher today, still rising now, in fact! All the best, Kevin ?
SueW says:
Such a moving poem Debbie and so appropriate. I do like your misty photographs and I’m glad you didn’t get a soaking. We’ve had such a lot of rain this week and always at the time I wanted to go out. A good start to today but not checked the forecast so who knows what the day will bring. ?
debbiejonesalwaysamused says:
Thank you very much indeed, Sue. I’m really sorry for my late reply when you’ve kindly taken the time to read and comment on my post. I do love seeing the mist rising, which happens from time to time, but I haven’t been out in when it has erased parts of the landscape to that extent, before. Hopefully, we won’t be getting a soaking for a few days, with the high temperatures forecast for this weekend!
SueW says:
No need to apologise, I am often behind with my replies and end up having more catch up days than I would like. Our local weatherman joked that our heatwave ‘day’ is Saturday! I do hope it lasts slightly longer than that! ?
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you for being so understanding, Sue. Haha! I think ours might be Saturday too, as Sunday afternoon looks a bit suspect! Fingers crossed, they’re wrong, eh! ?
SueW says:
If I could have yesterday’s temperatures a few days a week life would be perfect. ?
Invisibly Me says:
You definitely have to be quick to make the most of breaks between the rain at the moment. Great British weather, eh. Your poem is so elegantly written, you really are very talented. I loved it! xx
Debbie Jones says:
Indeed you do, Caz..and more rain to come this week, ugh! Thank you so much for your very kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. ☺️
Peter's pondering says:
Lovely Debbie. I don’t mind getting wet walking, but am always a little reluctant to start out in the wet. Having said that, I now just go regardless of the weather!
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much, Peter. Yes, it is the starting out that puts me off too. If it’s very heavy I’ll hang back a bit to see if it eases off. If it’s not cats & dogs I put up with it, there’s always a positive; reflections in puddles, droplets on trees..and the odd bit of glorious mud haha! ?
Chatter Master says:
I love this so much. At this very minute I’m waiting to go on a bike ride and don’t wnat to ‘start’ in the rain. Being caught in the rain isn’t bothersome, it’s the starting out. So relatable on that level.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much, Colleen. It is the starting out in heavy rain that’s daunting. Especially so on a bike ride, I’m sure, as there are so many more things to consider, than if you’re walking. I do hope it stayed dry for you. We had a bicycle event going through & in the village today, & there’s a big event locally, on Friday 14th, so fingers crossed for them too!
Chatter Master says:
I hope their day was as nice as mine. I didn’t get in a very long ride, but a short one is better than none! 🙂 It sounds like we both did okay!
Debbie Jones says:
Ahh that’s good, & I think you’re right. ☺️
mabelfrancis says:
As usual lovely poem, Debbie??
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much, Mabel! No mist since, but a fair amount of rain! ☔️
Itching for Hitching says:
I can almost feel it.
Debbie Jones says:
Ooh that’s good, thank you..I hope it didn’t spoil your view! ?
Tish Farrell says:
You’ve certainly made the very best of bad weather here, Debbie – verbally and visually. There’s something about mist. Always takes me back to my childhood reading of Alan Garner and the Weirdstone of Brisingamen.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed, Tish. You’re right, there is something about mist. It takes me back to the “pea soupers” we had as children. Probably because there were still a fair few coal fires in houses, but also on November 6th, after Bonfire Night. That’s not a book I’ve read, so I had to do a quick google, it sounds mysteriously misty..possibly one our Grandaughter will enjoy soon. ?
L.K.Middlebrook says:
Those photos and the imagery your words created worked so well together to make this post. Really great 🙂
debbiejonesalwaysamused says:
Thank you so much for your kind comments, Liv. I love the atmosphere of the mist, so it was a thrill to be out in it! I must apologise for my late reply, especially when you’ve taken the time to read & comment on my poem. I’ve been trying to catch up on posts for the past week or so, after a busy few days. Hopefully, getting there now, many thanks, once again. ?