Life’s Fragile Bouquet
Life is a bouquet of glorious colour,
Transforming all that it brings.
Its intricate fragility, gossamer;
Vibrant, like butterfly wings.
With superb imperfection, every last petal
Unfolds; from petite, peachy buds.
Offering freely, a silken sheen wilderness,
Fragrant; where sweet nectar floods.
Reserve righteous whispers, peel back frail defences;
Exposing the layers that hide.
Flawless exteriors shout aloud boldly,
But real worth is hidden inside.
Open latched windows, sail forth wild shorelines;
Throw reticent caution to wind.
Give boundless space, liberty;
Let them fly longingly, listen, intent; hear them sing.
Always remember; re-paint fragile flowers,
Tend carefully; shower with love.
Keep warm in bright sunshine, forever;
Give water and feed from above.
Seize swiftly that vision, hold firm and clutch tightly;
Grasp onto it fast with your heart.
Store to mind, kindly, nurture the memory;
Too soon time calls softly…depart.
18th June 2019
Watching the various wildflowers, almost every day, on my walks, I’ve noticed how some open haphazardly, are flawed in some way, or occasionally, never open at all.
They look perfect, sitting there, but it’s only on closer inspection you can see the differences. Yet, they bloom & grow, happily, amongst the others of the same, and different makes you think..
Life is so fragile. Every living thing is here for such a short time, and all are flawed in some way. However, what is lacking in some quarters, can be more than made up for in other ways…given the chance.

ivor20 says:
An engrossing poem Debbie
You enlivened my deep joy for flowers
And memories of my favourite bouquet, violets….
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed, Ivor. Flowers are a real wonder, aren’t many different variations, all capable of great beauty given the right conditions, all so fragile..just like us. 🙂
ivor20 says:
I think that’s it in a nutshell Debbie, beautiful and colourful, is what we aspire to be, but we also recognise how fragile and delicate they are, and which we also associate with.
Debbie Jones says:
You’re so right, Ivor 🙂
SueW says:
So true Debbie, so lovely too. ?
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much, Sue. ☺️
Chatter Master says:
“Superb imperfection” caught me, actually stopped me. I felt like a flower when I got there. Love this.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much, Colleen. I felt that any imperfections should be celebrated, they’re not wrong, some things grow differently, though they’re still as beautiful. Like us, it’s what makes us individual & interesting. ☺️
Chatter Master says:
Well said Debbie, extremely well said.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you, Colleen.
Chatter Master says:
You’re very welcome.
Peter's pondering says:
Lovely observation Debbie. There is true beauty amongst imperfection, and vice versa. I was looking at an elder flower today. Each tiny floret is a work of art.
The teacher who I remember best as an inspiring influence had it absolutely right when she made us write, in our Nature Study books, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed, Peter. Yes, we do sometimes have to look a bit closer or behind the mask, to appreciate the true beauty within. That’s funny, I noticed the elder flower blooms, yesterday, poking through the hedgerows. I had to take a closer look, all those tiny, cream florets are so impressive against the green. I love that old saying too, though I don’t remember it coming from a teacher. How lovely that your teacher’s influence & inspiration has stayed with you. ☺️
Peter's pondering says:
It’s from Keats’ poem Endymion.
I’ve written a couple of memories of Mrs Slaney, one of which is here.
Debbie Jones says:
I love that, Peter! Aww, the old “could do better” bless. Think I had that said about me, possibly not the same words, but the same meaning! Good old Mrs Slaney, I’m sure her insistence of the writing in your nature books, inspired many more children & sowed that seed to see the beauty of & the love for nature, at exactly the right, young age.
I didn’t realise it was from a much longer poem. I thought possibly a short quote from anon or someone well versed..I was sort of on the right road!
Many thanks for sharing, Peter.
What an epic poem!
inspirationforwellness says:
That’s a beautiful picture!
Dreamer ❤ says:
Just one word.. beautiful ❤️
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed for reading and for your kind comment, Taruna! ?
Dreamer ❤ says:
My pleasure ?
Anisha Das says:
Hey I have nominated you for The Liebster Award.
Kindly check the link please
blindzanygirl says:
Wonderful Debbie. Such truth here
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much indeed, Lorraine.
blindzanygirl says:
You’re welcome Debbie
forresting365 says:
So very lovely!!! ❤️??