Sharp, wily winds came calling today,
They crept up to take my Summer away.
In hushed tones, whispering soft to portray,
“It never was yours to claim anyway!
For I control the seasons, my jet stream is the proof,
You cannot see it looming, it’s strong & too aloof!”
But someone stole my Summer,
rain washed it all away,
It crept in through the night time, then
left at break of day!
No sorry, no apology, no promise of the Sun,
It sprinkled all its droplets down, and suddenly, was gone!
Yes, someone sold my Summer, they replaced it with the cold,
Dejectedly, I turned, to face a snowflake; smug and bold!
2nd March 2019
After such an, unusually, lovely couple of weeks at the end of February, it was a bit of a blow when the weather broke at the beginning of March, spoiling our false ‘Summer’. Bringing with it high winds, rain & then talk of Storm Freya, it was a reminder that Winter was digging its heels in. Despite many signs, Spring hadn’t arrived yet…the fat lady hadn’t yet sung!

G.Edward Smith says:
Very beautiful. We just received 3″ of snow yesterday with more on the way?
Debbie Jones says:
Many thanks indeed, Edward. Oh goodness, I hope you don’t get too much more, I fear we haven’t seen the last of it yet, but we’ve done well up to now.
Sue W says:
Lovely, I am going to enjoy following you ?
Debbie Jones says:
Many thanks, Sue..I’m sure the feeling will be mutual! I’ll look forward to catching up with your posts today ?
Sue W says:
Didn’t mean to sound like a Stalker!
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! You didn’t at all!