



I sat upon this little step
To contemplate and think.
It felt so peaceful in the shade,
I stole me forty winks!

I dreamed I floated in midair,
Towards the highest bough.
I thought I’d climb steps to the sky,
If my dreamscape would allow.

Reaching out to touch a cloud,
I felt its rainy core.
The tiny droplets trickled,
Falling gently, to the floor

All at once, I’m face to face;
A Blackbird on the wing!
His shiny feathers shimmered
With their own black plumage bling.

I must’ve chased some sunbeams,
As my face was all aglow,
I know I saw a rainbow fade,
And begged it not to go.

I’m sure I danced on tree tops,
As my shoes turned leafy green.
A crow popped out her nest,
It was the strangest dance she’d seen!

I couldn’t quite believe the scene,
Where all around was bliss.
Azure was bluer, land was lush
I blew a grateful kiss.

Wrapped up in my encounter,
This bizarre, by chance event,
Made my slumber briefly stir,
And sparked my ultimate descent.

Drifting down, delirious,
Upon my feathered bed,
Rocking gently to and fro
Elation filled my head.

Awoken from my fantasy,
All seemed a misty haze,
Stuck feathers on my emerald shoes
Kept me wondering for days!

17th April 2019

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I regularly pop into the local woods on the way back from my usual walk. Most often, I’ll sit on the bottom step of the pathway that leads further up into the trees. It’s wonderful to sit quietly & enjoy the whole ambience of the area, just for a few minutes, or sometimes, write a few more lines of a poem. I imagined this is what could happen, should I nod off to sleep there, briefly…well, I think it was a dream! ?

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9 thoughts on “Dreamscape”

  1. Debbie Jones says:

    I think so, though woods are pretty magical places..especially when your mind wanders! ?

    1. Debbie Jones says:

      Thank you very much, Ivor..it would be a magical dream! ☺️ Thank you for putting the song link, too, but they don’t seem to work on here, unfortunately. I know they did an album based on the poems of Yeats but I don’t know which track you posted 🙁

        1. Debbie Jones says:

          Great, thank you, Ivor..I’ll look the song up on YouTube ?

          Your poem is beautiful…I can imagine myself reaching for that sun & being drenched in its rays! ?

          1. ivor20 says:

            Thank you, it’s a fav of mine.

  2. Tish Farrell says:

    Right on! Keep dancing in those treetops. Think I’ll join you, Debbie.

    1. Debbie Jones says:

      Haha! Please do, Tish..plenty of trees to share! ?

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