The Write Place
I found the write place!
It’s all write & in the right place.
It sends my senses all tingly,
My brain cells all jingly,
My pencil can hardly keep pace!
I knew it was alright as soon as I turned right, to write.
Across the bridge and up the hill,
I must’ve taken the write little pill.
I could’ve turned right to write,
But on turning left to write,
The lane curved right and bent left,
Which left me slightly dazed, and a little bereft.
But it was quite all write.
It was the write path to follow.
Everything was alright in the end,
Onto the straight and narrow,
Finally, write round the right bend!

26th June 2019
The 26th of June was National Writing Day 2019!
This is my (almost) nonsensical, poetic take on the theme they used this year; though with a slightly different twist, but keeping in mind the, “In this place” prompt.
The task was to free write for 7 minutes, not thinking too much, but letting the words flow, using the writing prompt. I didn’t change anything after the time was up, just went with it. It was a challenging & interesting way to write, and good to take part in the event for the first time.Follow Gloria Smud on
K Morris Poet says:
This made me smile, Debbie. I am so pleased that it was all right on the night, or day for ’tis important to find the right way! Best – Kevin
Debbie Jones says:
Ooh very clever, Kevin, I love your reply in rhyme! It was a fun exercise to do, the time went so quickly, but I’m glad it made you smile! ?
Chatter Master says:
Made me think of what I call my little cabin in the back yard, the “Write Spot”. 🙂
Debbie Jones says:
Ooh how fantastic to have your own cabin & space to write in, sounds idyllic! ☺️
Chatter Master says:
It’s a wonderful little little little place. 🙂
neilsonanita says:
Yes I have to admit I stopped half way through and thought, Has she been drinking lol!! Very good Anita. ?
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! It might’ve improved it if I’d had a drink, Anita…although I might not have found the right way home! ? Many thanks for reading & for your comment ?
Peter's pondering says:
A right write success!
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! Excellent..thank you, Peter! ?
SueW says:
I’m glad you didn’t suffer from Writer’s block on this one Debbie. I do like fun stuff and this was definitely fun. ?
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! Me too, Sue, thank you for your kind comments. My head was in a right or write muddle afterwards, though! ?
SueW says:
Hah… thank goodness it righted itself!?
Debbie Jones says:
JOY journal says:
Well, write on, Debbie!!
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! Thank you, Nora! ?
Invisibly Me says:
I feel there’s a moral to the poem, to persevere & you’ll find the right way eventually. What an interesting prompt & 7 minute challenge! I loved the rhymes in this, you did a great job 🙂
Caz xx
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much, Caz, I’m really glad you enjoyed reading my poem. I’ve done free writing once before, but never as a poem. It was a fun challenge, so I thought I’d make it a light-hearted write. I think you’re spot on with the moral, although it wasn’t consciously written to be so..I’ll take it! Haha! ? xx
ivor20 says:
Hi Debbie, a late answering this one… My WP reader seems to have dropped lots of people off my reader list.. WP ??
Anyhow here I am… I enjoyed reading your write, a little bit of nonsense goes a long way into tickling my right arm, and funny bone…. and rightly jolted me out of bed and now I’m wondering what am I going to write bout today….. xx
Debbie Jones says:
That’s ok, Ivor..I know I’m late answering sometimes, especially if I’ve been busy, then I seem to be on a permanent catch up!
I’m glad you enjoyed reading my write bit of nonsense. I’d say, as long as you write it right, today’s writing will be exactly right, or write! Oh dear, here I go again! Have a great day, Ivor, & thank you for your kind comments ?
ivor20 says:
Haha, I’ve actually written a little poem about what I write…. maybe post tonight… ((Hugs))
Debbie Jones says:
Ahh, excellent! I shall look for it, & look forward to reading it, Ivor! ?
ivor20 says:
I’ve posted the poem, called “The Sun Never Sets”
forresting365 says:
Love this! You had my head spinning in a super happy way! Thank You, Debbie and Cheers!!! 🙂