
Spring’s Grand Groove

Spring’s Grand Groove

Minute spheres of energy,
Wait to make their move,
Set for celebration,
Eager for Spring’s grand groove!

Just a little longer,
Each bud ballon will pop,
A floral leaf explosion,
A brand new surging crop!

It starts at grassy levels,
Works on up the hedge,
Crawls up trees to canopies,
Bursts out the crowning edge!

Scenes that once looked barren,
Skeletal through neglect,
Erupt with life & vibrancy,
Too special too forget!

Variegated pastels
Will soon turn lush & bright,
Nature’s rainbow will return,
With reverence, to delight!

22nd March 2019

Little bud balloons are sprouting everywhere..it’s like nature’s own party! Some have already exploded..the blossoms are always a favourite..as you can tell!
Today, I was able to read four of my Spring-themed poems in public, for the first time. I admit to being quite nervous, especially not really knowing anyone attending, apart from a prior, brief phone call & meeting. Of course, I needn’t have worried. I met some very friendly folks, & the mix of poetry was lovely. Some poems were self-penned, others, were old masters! Did I mention..there was cake?! ?

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2 thoughts on “Spring’s Grand Groove”

  1. Peter's pondering says:

    Superb. I love all the new growth. It is magical each time we see it. Well done with the readings, but you just had to do it if there was cake!

    1. Debbie Jones says:

      Thank you very much, Peter, it was a nice thing to be involved with. Yes, it’s wonderful to witness these tiny miracles happening, isn’t it! I tend to take a similar route on my walks, so see the changes on a daily basis, it’s fascinating, I’ll never tire of it. Well, you’re right about the cake..what’s not to like?! ?

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