Fly Away Fairies
Fly away fairies to far flung places,
Scatter your seeds on earth’s empty spaces.
Sprinkled whispers on flighty breeze,
Enchanted spells cast forth with ease.
Delicate twinkles drifting on air,
Graceful parachutes glide, unaware,
From puff ball planes, admiring the view,
Floating their way towards pastures new.
A magical ballet; dancing, in flight,
Pirouette daintily, lustrous sprite!
A radiant beacon in ambient light,
Sowing and growing your golden delight.
11th May 2019
The Dandelion puff balls/seed balls/clocks/ fairies, call them what you will, have looked like little lit-up beacons with the sun shining through them. Of course, many more have already flown, and are filling the air, looking for a new place to settle and ensure a bright future for their golden garden!

vhealing says:
Your poetry is beautiful.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much for your very kind comment ?
vhealing says:
as my Mom used to say, your gift must come from “the Welsh in you” Happy memories of my visits to see my family in Wales, thank you for taking me back there again…
Debbie Jones says:
Aww that’s so lovely! I’m really glad I was able to stir up some happy memories for you, it’s a beautiful country & we do feel very privileged to live here ☺️
JOY journal says:
🙂 They are soooo not weeds!
Debbie Jones says:
Ahh, I’m glad you think that way too, Nora! ☺️
Peter's pondering says:
It’s seems to be a good year for them!
Debbie Jones says:
Indeed, it does! I’m glad I don’t suffer from hay fever, there are so many floating about in the air. I do feel for those who do, though! ?
JOY journal says:
Hey, Debbie! Nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Details in my post for today. 🙂
mabelfrancis says:
Your writing is so beautiful that it turns weeds into fairies ? what a delight to read, Debbie ?
Debbie Jones says:
You are too kind, Mabel, thank you so much for your lovely words! There’s been days when I could pick a big bunch of them & blow the fairies into the air, like a big kid..but I’ve resisted, so far, as I love to see the lit up when the sun shines behind them too! ☺️?
mabelfrancis says:
? don’t resist it, blow them into the air as forcefully as you can! Dandelions next year will thank you ??
Debbie Jones says:
Haha! I just might do that over the weekend, Mabel! ??
mabelfrancis says:
Sue W says:
I would never have thought of taking pictures of dandelion clocks. They are brilliant, and I love your poem, so clever Debbie. ?
Debbie Jones says:
I’m fascinated by them Sue, some are so perfect, before the wind blows them away. I often take close ups of them, especially if they have rain droplets on them. Then when some of the seeds have gone I love to see the last few clinging on to the spidery base, as the structures of the remaining ones are exposed. I’m a bit weird like that haha! Thank you for commenting & for your kind words, Sue, they’re very much appreciated, glad you enjoyed reading it too ☺️
... says:
It’s lovely to read your poetry. It’s hard to find well written poetry with a rhyming sequence, just like the poems my mother used to recite to me when I was young.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much, Roger, I really appreciate your lovely, encouraging & heartening words. I must admit, I haven’t found much in the way of rhyming poetry either. I’ve read articles saying it’s thought of as old fashioned now, or too twee, but I’m not sure who it is that thinks that way! I find it much more difficult to write in free verse. I’ve only managed it once, which was about a month ago, during a poetry day. I was pleased with the result, but have gone back to writing in rhyme! ☺️