Our Luna Friend
Stillness surrounds the blackness of night,
Transfixed and bewitched, as if frozen with fright.
Not even a leaf or stark twig stirs in pity,
Miles from the busying buzz of the city.
Reliant on senses, the dark calls the tune,
Its symphonic movements cast far away, strewn.
The stream trickles melodies, owls hoot their songs,
Silently flapping, the bat beats along.
Silvery, snail slithers capture the light,
Pearlescent, luminous; glistening delights.
High, on a cloud sea, our Luna friend hides,
Night ships illuminate vaporous tides.
At once, there’s a clearing, a wondrous sight!
As cirrus & cumulus cloudscapes take flight,
Peeling back sails to reveal the festoon,
As galaxies welcome our glowing Full Moon!
18th August 2019
It’s funny how the mundane can occasionally throw us a curveball, and become a little more special, out of the blue. One night, last week, I was taking some rubbish outside to our bins. I wasn’t really taking much notice, except for watching where I was treading in the dark, where I could see some snail trails shining.
As I turned away from the bin, I looked up to see a huge, moody cloudscape, with the light of the Moon fighting to push through the gaps where each cloud joined another. It stopped me in my tracks. I watched & listened, as the magical scene before me shifted & changed.
Eventually, the glowing, Full Moon was revealed amongst the illuminated clouds. As I waited & watched, I’d become aware of all the accompanying sights & sounds, adding to the ethereal atmosphere. The stream, running, noisily close by; a Tawny Owl calling intermittently, and then a solitary bat, swooping fairly low, above my head.
I took a few phone shots, as the scene changed. The quality isn’t good, as you’d expect, but you get the idea..there wasn’t time to fetch my camera, as all too soon, the cloud cover returned.
It was definitely a few moments of good timing, with an added wow factor!
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ivor20 says:
A simple moment in time, that you captured superbly, and adored this stanza, exquisitely wondrous words….
“Silvery, snail slithers capture the light,
Pearlescent, luminous; glistening delights.
High, on a cloud sea, our Luna friend hides,
Night ships illuminate vaporous tides.”
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much, Ivor, your words are most kind. Isn’t it lovely when the ordinary turns into the extraordinary!
I’m very sorry for my late reply to your comment. I’m having trouble with the WordPress app at the moment & trying to sort it via help from WP support. Part of the problems are constant pop-ups & push notifications relating to another issue, which are preventing me from seeing the reply window/reading posts. It’s so frustrating, as I’m missing so many posts by others too, as it’s driving me nuts! Finally, after trying all sorts of solutions, I’ve been advised to reinstall the app..fingers crossed this will work! ? xx
ivor20 says:
That’s a good idea Debbie, I think I’ve done that before…..
Always my pleasure to read your lovely words, and the more I read of other writers works, the better I seem to be able to write…. xx
Debbie Jones says:
It’s good to know you’ve tried it before, & hopefully no troubles afterwards, Ivor..anything is worth a try, before I decide to stamp on my phone in frustration lol!
Thank you, very much Ivor, the feeling is mutual!xx ?
I’m going to try reinstalling now, everything is crossed!! ???
ivor20 says:
There’s no problems… the WP just restarts with all your writings as they were… It’s just a google site, up there in the clouds….somewhere…. ??
Debbie Jones says:
P.s The link didn’t take me to a post, for some reason Ivor. It did take me to Facebook but only my newsfeed :/
ivor20 says:
Ok, I’ll try an different way….
Debbie Jones says:
Ahh that worked, thank you, Ivor! It’s such a lovely song & a great version..she really sang it with passion! One moment in time..indeed! ?
ivor20 says:
I’m glad it worked for you…
How’d you go with re-installing WordPress…..
Chatter Master says:
The words were wonderfully descriptive, and the pictures just confirmed what you wrote!
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much, Colleen, it was a wonderful sight. Yesterday’s trip to the bin rewarded me with a little toad hopping across my path! Wonderful in a different way. ?
Chatter Master says:
Finding the wonder in such ‘regular’ things keeps our hearts young. 🙂
JOY journal says:
🙂 This makes me think of early fall nights. So crisp and cool. Once, we had a screech owl roost in a tree just off our porch. We watched night take over to the point it was on the move. Magical!
Debbie Jones says:
Ooh Nora, how wonderful to see your Screech Owl visitor, what a treat! We hear the Tawny owls regularly, but I’ve still never seen one, it would be such a thrill to do so!
Invisibly Me says:
From a bin to a stunning moon, you’re right about how we can find something incredible at surprising times. “Pearlescent, luminous; glistening delights” – you’ve created the imagery with such elegance. Beautifully written.
Caz xx
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much Caz, you are very kind indeed. It seems my trip to the bin didn’t disappoint last night, either..as a tiny toad hopped out in front of me! Luckily I saw it, because of its lovely dark gold colour, as I could so easily have stepped on it! xx
SueW says:
A moonlit poem, and so lovely.
Missed your presence Debbie, lovely to see you here again. ?
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sue, I really appreciate them. I’m having trouble with WordPress at the moment, long story..& it’s driving me nuts, but means I’m missing out on other folks lovely posts, & not posted much myself. Hopefully, normal service will be resumed soon! Seems I have to try re-installing my app to clear up the problem..we’ll see, ugh! Hope you are well & thank you, Sue ?
SueW says:
Debbie, I too have had problems with the WordPress App. WordPress blamed Apple’s security. So I have gone back to logging into WP and just saving as a favourite and I no longer have problems. I would prefer the App but seeing as beggars can’t be choosers I have accepted defeat. I hope you get sorted soon ?
Debbie Jones says:
Dear me, Sue, there must be loads of us! I know all the trouble you had with the ping backs, were a real pain for you, without anything else! I’m glad your own solution is working at the moment but it shouldn’t have to be that way. My problem is WP is constantly trying to upload photos that aren’t even supposed to be included in a post, & I’ve now deleted them. It started happening weeks after the initial post, which is weird. There’s been hundreds of the same two photos in my media section, as I hoped deleting them would do the trick. I’m also getting constant, random push notifications & pop-ups telling me of the failed uploads, that keep preventing me from seeing the reply box, it’s so frustrating. I hope the reinstalling does the trick, at last,too, thanks Sue.
SueW says:
Oh, Debbie that is dreadful. Am I right in thinking you are self hosted with WP. Org and not WP. Com. Just wondering if the problem lies with them.
Debbie Jones says:
It is self hosted on WP.com, Sue. I’ve been communicating with WP in the past few days as Trev has tried to sort things, as he’s really good with computer technicalities, but nothing worked. He looked on the forums too, & we sent a report but to no avail. We’ve got the latest version & all updated etc, but it’s still happening. They said it should stop in a few days with a fix in version 13, but I don’t really believe it. However, they did suggest reinstalling the app. The pop up has showed its ugly face 4 times while typing this reply. :/
SueW says:
Oh, Debbie, I am so sorry this is happening, and if Trev can’t sort it… who can? I hope it’s sorted very soon ?
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you, Sue, me too! 🙂
margaret21 says:
What a lovely moment. You were right not to give into the temptation to rush for your camera. The moment is fixed, as your lovely words demonstrate.
Debbie Jones says:
Thank you very much for your kind comments, Margaret. You’re right, sometimes you just have to experience the moment, & the camera I had at that time was the best one for the job..or an opportunity would’ve been lost & the spell broken.
Mystic Dee says:
Catchy…thanks for including the elaboration.
debbiejonesalwaysamused says:
Thank you very much, Dee, I’m so glad you enjoyed it! ?
Martina Roy says:
This is very really unique helpful information. keep it up. Thank you so much!
forresting365 says:
This is so beautiful and Your photos are wonderful!!! I like the quality. Dreamlike. Cheers!!! 🙂